Thursday, February 13, 2025
Volume 132, Number 89

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Print January 27, 2025 Bid Advertisements
Request for Proposal
Request for Proposal will be received by the Board of Park Commissioners of the Great Parks of Hamilton County at the Winton Centre, 10245 Winton Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 for GOLF TURF PRODUCTS as set forth in the specifications.  Separate bids will be accepted for the purchase, delivery of golf course turf fungicides as set forth in the bid document. The bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope and clearly designated on the outside of envelope with the project name.
Request for Proposal may be viewed at the Park District’s website
For further information contact: Dean Brown, Golf Course Superintendent, Great Parks of Hamilton County, 10245 Winton Road, Cincinnati, OH  45231.  (513) 560-6972,
The Great Parks of Hamilton County reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Cincinnati, Ohio. January 27, 2025.
Bid Advertisement
Electronic or sealed proposals will be received at the Hamilton County Purchasing Department, 138 East Court St., (Room 507) Cincinnati, OH 45202, until 11:00AM on February 19, 2025, and will be read at that time for ITB# 015-25 – Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer System.
Proposal forms, specifications, etc. may be obtained upon application at the Hamilton County Purchasing Department, or they may be electronically retrieved by accessing the following web site:
Cincinnati, Ohio. January 27, 2025.
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