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Volume 131, Number 243

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Print December 27, 2017 Bid Advertisements
RFQ # 2017-025
SEALED Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) will be received for the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (“MSDGC”) by the City of Cincinnati (the “City”), as sole management agency for the operation and maintenance of MSDGC at Two Centennial Plaza, 805 Central Avenue, Suite 234, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202:
UNTIL 1:30 PM on Friday,
January 19, 2018     
Offerors must deliver their SOQs to the City at Two Centennial Plaza, 805 Central Ave, Suite 234, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, by the time and date specified above, either by hand or other logistics.
As of 12/20/17, interested parties may download RFQ Documents from the Open Data Cincinnati website and should frequently return to the site to monitor for project-specific updates and addenda.    (Once there, simply click on the piggybank icon and then select “Procurement Opportunities and Contract Awards”)
Questions on this project or any part of the RFQ Documents must be sent via e-mail to by the established deadline. The deadline for questions is 1:30 PM local time on Friday, January 5, 2018.        
A brief description of the services sought:
MSDGC is requesting analytical, planning and related services to maximize water quality improvements within the SSO 700 sewershed.  The selected Offeror shall continue to implement the process described in the Integrated Watershed Action Plan for SSO 700 Watershed Work Plan (IWAP Work Plan), dated March 31, 2014, which is attached to this RFQ.   The IWAP Work Plan proposed the implementation of the following 11 steps:
1. Public Outreach & Involvement
2. Watershed & Source Characterization
3. Identify Pollution Sources in Local Waterways
4. Evaluate Collection System Response and Waterway Response
5. Source Context & Select Optimized LOC for each Pollutant and Source
6. Identify Cost-Effective Gay, Green & Watershed Controls
7. Select and Rank Final Projects
8. Existing Final WWIP versus IWAP
9. IWAP Implementation Schedule Development
10. Regular Regulator Involvement
11. Final IWAP Report
The objective of the IWAP is to develop an optimum and cost-effective combination of green, gray, and watershed-based control projects that maximize water quality improvements and local community benefits in order to meet the Consent Decree and overall Clean Water Act requirements. Recent discussions with the Regulators have confirmed that implemented projects will be measured based on their ability to meet the specified requirements, and do not cause or contribute to in-stream water quality standard exceedances for all pollutants impairing the waterway. To achieve these objectives, the project was divided into two parts – Part 1, and Part 2. 
Under Part 1 (which was performed under a separate contract), SSO 700 hydraulic and water quality models were calibrated and validated in accordance with Step 2 of the IWAP Work Plan (Watershed & Source Characterization); it is scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2018.  These models and other documents prepared under Part 1 will be provided to the selected Part 2 Offeror. 
Under Part 2, the selected Offeror will identify pollution sources in local waterways (Step 3 of the IWAP Work Plan) and build upon the data and results from this step and the results of Part 1 to identify an optimum and cost-effective combination of green, gray, and watershed-based control projects that maximize water quality improvements and local community benefits in order to meet the Consent Decree and overall Clean Water Act requirements.
The Selected Part 2 Offeror shall perform tasks to support and complete Step 1 and Step 3 through Step 11 of the IWAP Work Plan. 
Cincinnati, Ohio. December 27, 2017.
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Electronic or sealed proposals will be received at the Hamilton County Purchasing Department, 507 Administration Bldg., 138 East Court St., Cincinnati, OH 45202, until 11:00 A.M. on February 5, 2018 and  will be read  at  that  time  for  RFP#002-18 – Residential Treatment at the Hillcrest Training School Location. 
A PRE-BID CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD AT 9:00 AM ON JANUARY 9, 2018 AT HAMILTON COUNTY HILLCREST TRAINING SCHOOL, 246 BONHAM ROAD, CINCINNATI, OHIO 45215. Proposal forms, specifications, etc. may be obtained upon application at the Hamilton County Purchasing Department, or they may be electronically retrieved by accessing the following web site:
Cincinnati, Ohio. December 27, 2017.
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